The book has several sections, all of which have incredible value. However, the best part of the book is the charts that evaluate the Proline odds. Through mathematical calculations, the authors show how a proper Proline value can be determined from the point spread of any given game. The true value in these charts is that, when applied, it becomes apparent that often Proline is either underpaying or overpaying a specific game. Through their calculations the authors assign a value for betting each specific team.
The book also addresses point spread, over/under, ties, and other areas of Proline. As well, It provides great insight into the way betting lines are created and changed. The differences between sports book wagering and Proline wagering is explained in a clear and effective manner.
This book is perfect for anyone interested in sports gambling, and extremely valuable for anyone who plays Proline or any other sports lottery.
The Winning Strategy: For Provincial Sports Lotteries